The mat calls: the real benefit of a daily yoga practice

It’s not what you think.

Commit to daily yoga, and eventually, you become yoga.

There is a whole bunch of content out there telling you the benefits of a daily yoga practice. Run yourself a search, and you’ll see tons of it. I won’t insult you by doing more of that here.

What I will do is tell you a story. My yoga story. One of my favorite things is learning yoga stories. If you have the time, I’ll always sit and listen or read and absorb. Each is unique, and lovely.

My mother always called me a ‘seeker of peace’. Way before finding yoga, I gravitated to the finer things in life: nature, music, art. Those things evoked a low ‘hum’ within, a deep joy, that I didn’t fully understand.

And then I got sick.

I started feeling ill — and not sleeping, like, at all. I was hardly able to eat anything. It started slow, then got progressively worse. I was shaky, my stomach was tense and clenching. I couldn’t figure it out.

I described it at the time as feeling like I’d been poisoned. It was a mystery illness, so you can imagine the number of tests they did on me — several doctors later: no answers. Long story short: they prescribed me sedatives and other drugs.

I never took them.

Instead, I found a way to health and peace - through diet and yoga.

Read the full article on Medium


Starting a yoga practice - 5 tips