The Dream Big Journal
Making a major change, bringing a dream into reality, or accomplishing a goal doesn't happen by accident. And it won't happen with just a wish.
This guided journal was designed to help you come up with your big idea(s), do the research needed to create a plan, define the scope and action steps to success, and then track your results.
Available as Hard Cover or Paperback on Amazon, or buy the eBook here.
From brainstorming and prompted journal entries, to developing what it will take to get your big dreams going, to journaling weekly or monthly to stay on track - the Dream Big Journal can be the beginning of a life change.
Not just a planner, the Dream Big Journal will help you develop your ideas and explore what it will take to get them done.
The perfect gift for anyone who wants more than what they see in daily life - someone who knows that to dream big is to live well.
The Be Mindful Journal
Mindfulness is the act of being aware. To observe thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. It is said that anxiety is worry for the future, depression is worry for the past. Relaxation is the present. In simple observation, we transport ourselves to the present moment. Here. Now.
Set the past free, find gratitude and happiness, and plan for the future. Mindfulness is a practice.
Available as Hard Cover or Paperback on Amazon, or buy the eBook here.
In the first section of this guided journal, you'll purge the past by resting it in these pages. You'll reflect on highs and lows, challenges, accomplishments, and opportunities.
Then, in section 2, you'll dive deep into areas of your life that bring meaning, challenge, and joy: Health, Community, Work, Family, Creativity, Finance, Spirituality, Giving, and Nature. You'll be prompted to write about each topic, expressing what you value, what you are proud of, who inspires you, your goals, habits you want to create, your strengths, how you define success, and much more.
In section 3, you'll set commitments and priorities.
Finally, in section 4, you'll discuss the topics above each week for 52 weeks (undated). You'll bring your focus to each area, mindfully observing each from week to week - and in so doing, you'll identify what you want more of, or what you want to change - and the path becomes clear.
The Be Well Journal
The first in the Live Well Journal collection to be created, the Be Well Journal was designed to help you identify the cause(s) of your discomfort, or symptoms, by taking a close look at the one thing we do every day, several times a day: eat.
How we feel is absolutely everything, and if you find yourself with unexplained symptoms, food sensitivities may be to blame. Food sensitivities can manifest as:
Digestive discomfort - Insomnia - Anxiety - Depression - Skin problems - Hormone imbalance - Brain fog - Joint pain - Headaches - Moodiness
....and more.
Available as Hard Cover or Paperback on Amazon, or buy the eBook here.
In this guided journal, you'll log everything you eat and drink, and track symptoms daily. Each week, you'll update your 'suspect list'. You may identify something you react to and is easily identified, or you may find that you want to begin an elimination diet and test certain foods.
The perfect gift for anyone who suffers from one or more of the symptoms above - wellness is a journey - the Be Well Journal was designed to help.
The Be Happy Journal
What makes us happy? That may be too big a question to answer fully. And, it will be a different answer for each of us. We know, however, that when we become mindful of:
Where we find meaning - What we're grateful for - How we move - Our goals - Our accomplishments - Our relationships - Our future
...and more…
...happiness increases. In this guided journal, you'll explore all of that, each day - in a quick, easy format that is easy to keep up with.
Available as Hard Cover or Paperback on Amazon, or buy the eBook here.
Every week ends with a guided meditation - a different meditation each week.
Sit in a quiet corner, or out in nature, and be with your thoughts. The meditative nature of all you will contemplate with the help of this journal brings peace and contentment.
The Be Well Journal, Vol. 2
In the first Be Well Journal, you tracked your food, drink, and symptoms for 8 weeks. The Be Well Journal, Volume 2 is your ongoing tracker, for 39 more weeks. The Be Well Journals were designed to help you identify the cause(s) of your discomfort, or symptoms, by taking a close look at the one thing we do every day, several times a day: eat.
How we feel is absolutely everything, and if you find yourself with unexplained symptoms, food sensitivities may be to blame.
Available as Hard Cover or Paperback on Amazon, or buy the eBook here.
The Yoga Sequencing Journal
As a yoga teacher, I couldn't quite find a yoga class planner that worked for me. So...I made one.
I wanted a way to plan classes and explore my own deepening practice at the same time. I also wanted a beautiful book (that would lay flat, see coil bound option below!). Now, I have a collection of these journals, where I'll store my sequences always.
Two options (Amazon doesn’t offer coil bound, and I prefer it - so this journal is available as coil bound on Lulu here, or standard paperback on Amazon using the button above.
There is ample space for at least 42 sequences (many more if your classes are shorter). Each sequence section begins with planning: Inspiration, theme, offering, props, music, audience/student considerations, space considerations, intention, and components. I love this part, It just makes the creative process easier.
Then, each section contains four big lined pages for sketching your stick figures, or writing out pose names.
Lastly, at the back of the book, I've included a reference section - common asana names (proper Sanskrit and English) as well as asana name components - which will help you learn how the poses are named.
I use this journal every week. It was a joy to create it, and I hope you love it too.